Lets face it, who really wants to spend a lot of hours sitting in front of their computer writing articles and then more time submitting those articles? Many people do it for a short time, but for it to be effective and work the way it is meant to work one must spend several hours a week just writing. When the writing is done, then it is time to do the submitting. Article marketing is not a easy snap of the finger chore. The fact is it is probably one of the most time consuming ways of gaining back links.

If you put in the efforts that are required to gain the back link from a article then that link will most likely be there for a very long time. If you make it a one time article or a one time submission then it will be there along time and it will stand strong for years to come. If you submit it to many article directories then you take the chance of Google taking the article off line completely. Although they are not doing so yet it may happen, any thing is possible. They are getting more strict with duplicate content and the penalties may out weight the gains in the future.

There are many great benefits to submitting unique articles to each site you submit to. The benefits already out weight the negatives so why not write originals now and save yourself some time and the directories too. original articles are of great value and if you submit enough of them then other people will republish these articles. Every article you write will not get republished but if you put in a lot of effort and write many good ones then some will get republished and this is when your site really starts to get noticed.

Many people submit 10 or even 20 articles and then they stop and never submit another. Maybe they think it just is not worth their time to do it. I would say on average a person should submit a bare minimum of 40 articles on one subject in a rather short period of time before they make a decision on whether it works or not. Just try it one time for yourself, it is not as hard as it may seem.

The benefits of going through the actions are many. For starters when you write good quality articles then the directories will easily accept. If your content is not just grammatically correct but is also interesting and to the point yet detailed and vibrant then many people will read them.

The exposure that good original articles can gain for you and your business is quite amazing when one actually does the work to see the results for themselves. Start writing an article and see for yourself the traffic that they can generate.

The benefits of writing your own article are many so start writing and submitting as many as you can in one day. Do this for several months and I guarantee you it will get much easier with every article that you supply for the people and the directories. start submitting articles today!


Published On: May 14th, 2018 / Categories: Online Marketing, Search Engine Optimization / Tags: , /

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